Every year, tens of thousands of Australians take time off to undergo assisted reproductive technology treatment or receive other reproductive […]
Kate Marshall from the Health Services Union spoke to 6PR Mornings host Gary Adshead on why this leave is necessary for many […]
Workers with certain health issues could be given 12 more days off as part of a push to expand reproductive […]
It did include a range of issues like treatment for IVF, endometriosis, vasectomies and gender transitioning.
The Reproductive Health and Wellbeing Leave is the first of its kind in Australia and for HACSU this leave clause,
This research evidence also shows how reproductive health can affect labour force participation at any stage of the life cycle
Workers would be able to take up to five days leave a year for IVF, endometriosis, vasectomies or serious menstrual […]
A new report from the Labor-aligned McKell Institute report is calling on Canberra to legislate 12 days of paid leave […]