Rachel Brown

A few years ago, I had surgery for reproductive health issues. It was a day procedure, but it took
me three days to recover. I wasn’t working at the time, but if I had been, having access to
reproductive health leave would’ve made a big difference.

I wouldn’t have had to dip into sick leave or annual leave just to get necessary treatment that helps me function.
Reproductive health issues like endometriosis, menopause and termination of pregnancy can
cause pain, mental distress, brain fog and fatigue that affect women at work. But this leave is not
just for women.

Men can suffer from breast cancer, need prostate screenings, and may go
through IVF treatments too. Basically, if you have reproductive organs, you can face reproductive
health issues, so you should be entitled to this leave.

I also think reproductive health leave benefits both employees and employers. If employees can
look at and take care of their health issues early, they’re less likely to need extended time off
work down the track.